Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tonight's the Night*

Thank you for tuning in..!
Serendipity is with us all ways
but do we Wish to connect with the flow?
If we listen closely we will know.
I love the people with the Gorgeous full vibes,
who fill each moment full of that special air of Light.
If you are with this mention, I call to you
receive the beauty of the night.
Beauty is in the air.

So how are things with you? Chile, Hawaii, we can feel the winds and are connected to all.

Today I was said to look like Prince and the Revolution.
I attended a wedding party and rocked an Amazing jacket that I bought in Muskoka.  It was the first time I have ever had the audacity to wear it.  It got RAVE reviews, which I kinda did not expect.  I liked the Prince association but felt more Karl Lagerfeld-ian when I was adorning myself with my Granny's hand me down bling scarf.  It was like Lagerfeld but with Brocade.  It was maybe more like Prince and the Revolution, apparently.  I likes.

Lemme see if I can find a foto for all y'all.   
Okay, well, let's just say I have some brushing up to do on this mac.
They say it is all about the journey.  But I have work tomorrow and it is nearly 3am.

So I will say goodnight for now and talk to y'all soon.

Wishing you flow and Love.

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