Thursday, March 11, 2010

All you need is Love*

I heard this song twice today (once at work and once on the radio).  (Yes, there appears to be a Beatles influence flowing through this blog, but the theme is truly Love and Happiness.) After attending to my stomach-flu plagued boyfriend, giving my Grandmother with a healing broken arm a manicure, visiting with my Mom, Dad, my adorable kitty, Lucy, and having had a bit of a tough end of the day myself (and doesn't the 'end of the day' just seem to cast such a strong feeling over the whole 'how was your day?' answer?), I realized in a tangible fashion that really, what we are all looking for is Love, plain and simple.  We want to be well (yes, food, shelter, warmth) and be Loved.

I find it such a Wonderful relief and miracle that by helping someone, you actually lessen your own pain, whatever it may be that you are going through.  If you had a tough day and you give some Love to someone or to your pet, your garden, what-have-you, you start to feel better yourself.  It is His Holiness the Dalai Lama that said "Happiness is cherishing others."  By taking the focus off of ourselves and genuinely caring for others, we remove our attention from our own suffering.  It is actually healing for us to help others.  I like this quote from Gulsha Fawzia:

Cherishing others is the supreme protection from pain and problems, and empowers us to remain calm and serene all the time. 
This is my Granny and I LOVE her so much.*

Okay, well it is time for me to gather some slumber.  I wish you all many beautiful blessings.  May your days be filled with perfect rays of sunshine and your dreams be filled with your heart's desire.

Love Love Love

Ashley and Sugarbum designs.*

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