Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Power of Creating*

The thing about creating is that it can sometimes seem like a very daunting task.  In actuality, our thoughts create our reality.  So, instead of freaking, what would be more helpful would be to sit down and think about how I am totally in the flow and that design comes from my heart and flows through me easily.  What is most daunting about being a fashion designer for me is the actual process of producing the vision.  Other things are easier for me.  For instance, I LOVE sourcing fabric; coming up with ideas is my absolute forte.
When I design, I think in terms of brilliance and beauty, of innovation, of my heart's creativity.  I tend to not think in terms of "where am I/the client" going to wear this.  This notion does not interest me at all.  The clothes that I make are art work and should be seen and desired as such.  I desire to create a beauty which I imagine when I feel inspired and am not truly inspired to create the mediocre, status quo, regular kind of garment.  I am interested in creating what is different.  I am interested in wearing what is different and beautiful.  I am inspired to create in order to inform the world that there is so much fun to be had out there and the way we dress is part of how we can convey the specialness and magicalness that is life!  We can express the beauty of ourselves and the intricacies of our moods and our creativity through our clothing.
We can choose to enhance the well-being of our Spirits by applying Art to our Lives. 
That's all for now.  I think i just needed to vent.  Blog-vent.  So good.  Thank you.  I hope you got something out of this too... something useful...!

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